Open OnDemand on the show floor at SC22
Open OnDemand's impact in the HPC community was on full display this year at SC22. Here are some photos of exhibitor booths proudly displaying their active use or support for Open OnDemand. Thank you to all our partners.
ACCESS Arizona State University, University of Arizona and Northern Arizona University University of Cincinnati CloudyCluster DST Georgia Tech Globus Illinois University NCSA Indiana University Kansas State University University of Kentucky LSU MathWorks MGHPCC Michigan State University ICER Microsoft Azure Microway Mississippi State University NCI Australia The Ohio State University Ohio Supercomputer Center Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center Purdue University Riken/Fugaku Rutgers University San Diego Supercomputer Center Slurm Southern Methodist University The University of Tennessee Texas A&M University University of Southern California University of Utah University of Texas Dallas University of Virginia, Virginia Tech, William & Mary, George Mason University X-ISS