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The Open OnDemand Community

Engage with us

The Open OnDemand community has driven new feature development and advancements to the platform since its inception. Connect with us in any of the following ways or contact us if you have other ideas for building community!

  • Meet with us at industry conferences such as SC, ISC, PEARC, Gateways and GOOD throughout the year to participate in demonstrations and panel discussions.
  • Join an affinity group to gather with like-minded community members to hone domain-specific solutions, share knowledge and experience.
  • Join a governance committee to contribute to the long term sustainability of Open OnDemand project.

Organizational Partners

Open OnDemand works with a organizations around the world.

Don’t see your organization?

The more the merrier! Let us know if you belong on the list or would like to learn more about adopting Open OnDemand at your school or workplace.